MOLDOX, 8th edition, is coming back to Cahul

MOLDOX, the International Documentary Film and Social Change Festival, is preparing for its 8th edition from June 21-25, 2023, in Cahul, the cultural and creative capital of the Republic of Moldova.

MOLDOX has established itself on the cultural scene of the Republic of Moldova and beyond, becoming an important platform for promoting social documentaries and the changes these films seek to bring to society. Each year, the festival hosts a selection of high-quality documentary films, presenting works that cover a variety of themes, ranging from human rights and climate change to economic and social issues.

“This year, we are delighted to have a great diversity of countries featured in the festival program, particularly European countries. We will screen a total of 20 films produced and co-produced by countries such as Romania, Spain, Austria, Greece, Sweden, Ukraine, France, Belarus, the United States, and Germany. But most importantly, we will have several documentaries made by filmmakers from the Republic of Moldova, two of which were developed within the Moldox Lab workshop. We hope that the local audience will take advantage of this opportunity and discover the development of contemporary Moldovan documentary filmmaking,” says Natalia Andronachi, co-programmer of the Moldox Festival and coordinator of the Moldox Lab workshops.

The central theme of this edition is Freedom, a complex and always relevant concept, especially in a period marked by social, medical, political, and economic crises. The festival will address the idea of freedom from multiple aspects, starting with the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution and extending to social and economic freedom. This theme represents an interesting challenge and an opportunity for filmmakers and festival participants to discuss important subjects and provide a perspective on the world we live in.

“The visual concept of the festival, created by the young and talented visual designer Maks Graur, represents what has been troubling us Moldovans for the past few years – the fact that many of our fellow citizens are being manipulated, which endangers our freedom and independence – GAS! These pipes (or as we commonly refer to them, trube) are like arteries connected to the heart of the earth, but they have become conduits for toxic and dangerous substances. The question is how can we remain unaffected by this deceptive toxicity and preserve our freedom?” reports Maxim Cârlan, director of the Moldox Festival.

Maxim Cârlan and Natalia Andronachi at Moldox Festival, 7th edition.
Photo: Mikhail Kalarashan

MOLDOX is more than just a film festival. Within the event, public discussions, roundtable sessions for the film industry, and parties for everyone are organized, creating a friendly and interactive atmosphere among filmmakers, activists, representatives of civil society, and the general public. Parallel to the festival, the 4 Moldox Lab workshops will take place, where participants can enhance their skills in making short documentary films and interact with international experts who can provide valuable feedback and guidance in the international film industry arena. For more information, visit the website:

MOLDOX provides a unique opportunity for the audience in the Republic of Moldova and beyond to broaden their cultural horizons by discovering high-quality documentary films and taking part in relevant discussions on important subjects that bring added value to society.