Public discussion: Age discrimination: what does it mean to be young or old
August 28
Cahul, "Grigore Vieru" Park
*Only in Romanian language
Dina Ciubotaru - Program Manager, HelpAge International in Moldova
Nicolae Mocanu - President of the Public Association "Perspectiva"
Nicolae Mocanu - President of the Public Association "Perspectiva"
Vasile Ernu
Traditionally, being "old" was a positive value and being "young" was something pejorative. The old man was a kind of human treasure: it meant wisdom and experience. Young means instability, lack of knowledge and experience. Recently, these values have changed: the young are the ones who have more openness, experience for the current technological world, and the elderly are seen as "retrograde". Are there such conflicts? We still face conflicts even on the labor market, which is based on age-related discrimination: it is increasingly difficult for people over 40 to find a job. How do we resolve this conflict?