Let the Ancestors Speak – Oral History Workshop

The Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova and the  MOLDOX Festival, are coming together to invite people interested in history of deportations in Moldova at the ”Let the Ancestors Speak” – Oral History Workshop that will take place on 21st of February, 2017, starting with 10:00, in the Conference Room of the Museum of Ethnography and Natural History.

Oral History is the collection and study of historical information using sound recordings of interviews with people having personal knowledge of past events. Oral History is a phenomenal way of preserving history, and has been used at length by both governments and researchers to preserve not only the history of a country but the ideas a country was founded on.

The event is intended to serve as an entry point to later workshops, exhibitions, and events. There will be held discussions about what Oral History is and how to effectively conduct oral histories, based on the expert’s experience. The topic of the event will circle around the common theme of Soviet Era Deportations. The remaining workshops will also revolve around this theme.

The workshop will generally be broken down into 3 parts:

  1. Explanation of the history and exhibition of work done prior;
  2. How to conduct Oral Histories;
  3. Where to share oral histories and a call to action to go out and start interviewing.

After the first event, workshops will be held throughout the year as a way to continue nurturing the growth of participants and also develop work for later exhibition with the National History and Ethnography Museum, as well as MOLDOX Festival.

As the “Oral History” project aims to raise awareness and recognition for the immediate need for the oral histories, as many of the former deportees are passing away. In order to achieve these results experts are working with the organizational team for the event:


  • Varvara Buzilă – Ethnograph, Scientific Secretary at the Museum of Ethnography and Natural History;
  • Anatol Petrencu – PhD in History, member at the  Commission for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Moldova;
  • Nicolae Pojoga – photographer, member of the Committee for Freedom of the Press;
  • Viorica Olaru – PhD in history, expert in phenomenon of deportations (www.deportari.md).


  • Clary Estes – Peace Corps Volunteer, photographer, Oral History Team Member;
  • Ghendie Popescu – Contact person www.deportari.md;
  • Maxim Cirlan – MOLDOX Festival Director, Filmaker.

The Oral History workshops are a way to start building a larger Oral History community within Moldova. As Moldova develops, methods of media creation and reporting develop along with it, there are a number of young, eager Moldovans who are ready to take on the challenge of being the new media leaders of the country. Oral History is a gateway into larger, more complex media work and is an effective way to welcome new journalists, researchers, historians, and artists into the larger Moldovan history and cultural communities.

For more details you can contact Clary Estes macles.estes7@gmail.com, +37362162614